With our state-of-the-art machinery, we achieve the highest standards in precision manufacturing. With us, craftsmanship and innovation merge into a unique production process.
Perfect solder joints due to state-of-the-art technology: Our SMD production exclusively uses vacuum-based vapour phase soldering. Due to the lower process temperatures necessary, component overheating becomes a thing of the past, and with our multi-vacuum technology, voids are reduced, resulting in void rates of less than 1 percent.
We use a fully software-controlled laser cutting process for PCB separation, which ensures high-precision cutting edges, even when cutting sensitive PCB substrates.
An increasing amount of electronics is used in the automotive and medical sectors, but not only is the quantity and functionality of PCBs continuously increasing: For the also constantly increasing requirements in terms of miniaturisation, high frequencies, high currents and heat dissipation, we offer the ideal PCB technology solutions and material selection, including painting and printing in small and medium quantities – efficiently, cost-effectively, and without global detours, directly from the respective suppliers.
In our company, the individual assembly of our PCBs is the focus of our customer service. We use SMD and THT technology, including customer-specific components, at standard and customer-specific workstations as well as high-performance automatic machines.
In order to achieve the best soldering result for your assembly, we solder in the THT area via wave or fully automatically in our selective soldering system. For special assemblies, we rely on the extensive know-how of our employees and use manual soldering technology (soldering by hand).
Specialised high-speed 3D camera technology (3D AOI) ensures excellent testing quality of electronic components, while solder joints are inspected with a resolution of 10 μ. BRUNNER ELECTRONIC also offers ICT (In-Circuit-Testing) for functional testing and programming. We are also able to offer client-specific end-of-line testing.
In today's production ecosystem, software and AI play a crucial role, so these technologies are also at the centre of our production strategy. We use advanced software solutions and AI algorithms to optimise processes, maximise quality and increase efficiency.
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